October 2018 Newsletter

Some Highlights from October 2018 and some upcoming news for November 2018.

The Featured Redbubble Item this month is: Deco Hearts from the Patterns Series


This month I participated in Inktober for the second year in row. Check out my efforts from last year. Here is what I did this year. I tried to follow the prompts this year to mixed results. I will say tho that inktober is what got me drawing and posting almost every day so I do love participating in it. It’s one of my favorite things about social media, participating and following global collaborative art projects.

Here is my sketchbook for October.

I made one page zines of my October art. Print out PDF copies here.



I’m participating in NaNoWriMo again this year. I tried it in 2015. The novel I worked on turned out to be novella. I’ve been slowly editing it and tightening up the story. It’s really close to a place where I can feel like it’s finished enough to try to submit for publication. It’s called the Debt Collectors and it is about an apocalypse that never was and how that is worse. Let me know if you’d like to be a beta reader for it.

The novel I’m working on this year is a much bigger story so I don’t think it will finish itself as a novella. I don’t have a title for it yet but it’s about a girl who prays to saint Wilgefortis to give her a beard to get her out of a bad marriage. It also fits nicely into #NoShaveNovember

Currently Reading

I just started reading Knocking on Heaven’s Door by Sharman Apt Russell. It’s kind of bananas. It’s set in a post-apocalyptic world where most of the human population dies from a super virus but not before cloning paleolithic animals. The clones reveal that these animals are telepathic and can communicate with humans. The humans who are left after the virus, mostly scientists who held up in bunkers around the world and Quakers, can communicate with these animals, now roaming free, telepathically, and with each other via the still intact internet.

I’m also reading Women in the Middle Ages by Joseph Gies and Frances Gies. It, like most historical writings, convinces me of many things, that the past was not a utopia or hell but complicated and nuanced. Also marriage, traditionally, has NEVER been about love and ALWAYS been about property and social control and that there is no time in history that people (all genders) weren’t sluts.