Quaranzine Fest 2020 ~ a viral safe-space! | APRIL 4th & 5th 2020 | #quaranzinefest
Inoculate against boredom! Self-quarantine is not exciting! Start stockpiling zines before panic buying starts!
Quaranzine Fest is a (cough…) viral concept to connect zine makers and patrons in this turbulent time of social distancing. In the face of Federal Government ineptitude, callousness, and lack of empathy, the DIY community has come together to… not come together. As we work in solidarity to honor the social contract and flatten the curve, many of us in the international zine, art book, and DIY community have been dramatically impacted by the closures of the art book fairs and zine fests where we connect with each other, discover exciting new work, and (for us vendors) make part of our living.
Quaranzine Fest is simple. Post your work on the platform of your choice April 4th and 5th with the hashtag #quaranzinefest – no submission process, no selection process, no fees, no leaders, no volunteers, no building, no table, no limit on vendors, no fire code restrictions, no peanut butter fingers touching your zines.